Recipe: Sea Salt Caramel Mudslide Cupcake

30 Sep

So I made these babies last week


And some people asked for the recipe. So, here we go 😉

For the cupcakes:

350g plain flour (I always use all purpose, makes my life easier…)
60g cocoa powder (make sure it’s the good quality one, I use the Dutch process)
370g caster sugar
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
150g chocolate chips (where I live chocolate chips are not always available, so I get my way around by cutting up a good chocolate bar and always make sure it has at least 60% cocoa in it)
3 large eggs
240ml cooled coffee
240ml buttermilk
210ml vegetable oil

The method is pretty straightforward. Simply combine the dry ingredients and sift them together, add the chocolate chips and set aside. In another mixing bowl combine the wet ingredients and mix.
Then all you have to do is mix both mixtures and stir until just combined. As always with cakes, do not over mix your batter or you’ll end up with a tough and dense cake. So once you see that all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, stop.
Divide the batter into lined cupcake or muffin tin, about 3/4 full. This recipe will yield 24 or 30 cupcakes, depending on the size of your tin.
Bake in 150 Celcius for 22-24 mins, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

For the frosting:

300g unsalted butter that’s been softened
540g sifted icing sugar
150ml sea salted caramel (either a store bought one or you can make your own, it’s pretty simple: caramelize 1 cup of caster sugar in 6 tbsp of water, once it reaches a deep amber, take it off the heat and add in 1 cup of heavy cream and 1tsp vanilla extract, stirring all the while. Do be careful at this stage because it will steam and may splatter and it’s disgustingly hot!!! When it has stopped bubbling add in 1 tsp sea salt and stir until the salt is completely dissolved… Yum!)

Beat the butter on high speed for about 5 mins or until it’s gone pale then add in the icing sugar and continue beating until fluffy. Add in the caramel.

I do think it’s common sense to wait for the cakes to cool down completely before putting the frosting on them, since the frosting is made of butter and… Seriously, need I go on?

Anyhooooo, hope you try these and let me know how it goes! 😉

Cheers, rv

2 Responses to “Recipe: Sea Salt Caramel Mudslide Cupcake”

  1. Momarch Steph October 26, 2014 at 3:50 am #

    Those look yummy!!

    • aping October 29, 2014 at 7:28 am #

      They are and soooo easy to make too! 🙂

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